They know how to crack us up.

Your kids may drive you crazy and keep you up at night, but they always know a way to put a grin on your face. Whether it's by doing something unexpected or dropping a clever line, here are some ways that kids have kept their parents smiling.
It probably did sound nicer.

British accents are always pleasant.
That's so sweet.

I'm sure it made you smile again.
I see she's a Beyonce fan.

Now we have the song in our heads.
Smart girl!

Handled like a pro.
That's a great wingman

Did you put him up to it?
Big dreams.

We know you can do it!
Great advice!

He should listen to her.
We can't blame him.

The room can only hold so many things.
Are you sure she wasn't faking it?

It's a little fishy.
He's learning early.

Interesting observation from a 5-year-old.
Weird in a good way.

You are definitely doing it right.
Written by Whisper for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to