7 Signs You Might Be Pregnant

7 Signs You Might Be Pregnant

No birth control method is 100% effective whether you’re using the pill, condoms or other contraceptive devices. There is always a chance of conception if one is not careful. According to Planned Parenthood, 9 out of every 100 women on the pill will get pregnant if they forget to follow directions. Every year, 18 in every 100 women dependent on condoms for contraception get pregnant.

Early symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman. The overall experience for each pregnancy can also be different. Some women are very sensitive and have “morning sickness” all day while others don’t even undergo early signs at all. If you think you are pregnant or in the process of trying to conceive, here are some obvious signs you should look out for.

  1. You feel exhausted.
  2. You missed your period.
  3. You’re frequently urinating.
  4. Your breasts are sore and swollen.
  5. You’re having cramps and your period isn’t coming.
  6. You are nauseous and vomiting at different times of the day.
  7. You have sudden food cravings and aversions to particular food and scents.

If you are experiencing any or a combination of these symptoms, it may be indicative of a possible pregnancy or other conditions. To confirm whether you are expecting, it is best to take a pregnancy test with your healthcare provider, at the doctor’s office or in the comfort of your own home.

How does it work?

Tests are available in two basic types, urine tests and blood tests both of which looks for a specific hormone. A woman’s body produces HCG human chorionic gonadotropin when she is pregnant. You might get inaccurate results if you take a test too early in your cycle. For best results, wait until a week after you have missed your period to have the test taken. The earlier you can confirm a pregnancy, the better. This gives you more time to consider your options and seek medical advice so you can get the proper care you need and make preparations for the next steps.

When in doubt, take a test

Some women experience light bleeding or spotting during pregnancy. This can be mistaken as a regular period. And although most home pregnancy kits claim 97-99% accuracy when used properly, there is also the chance of a false-positive result. This refers to a positive result even if you are not actually pregnant. This could be caused by several factors such as a previous miscarriage or abortion, faulty kits, certain medications, a molar pregnancy and other medical conditions. In some cases, you may get a negative result even when you are pregnant.

You know your body best and if you think you might be pregnant, it is highly recommended that you contact and see your doctor right away for further evaluation. Consulting with a health professional will give you peace of mind. It is important so you can have a thorough physical examination especially if additional confirmatory tests are necessary. If pregnant, they can guide you with managing your health and well-being.

Written by Emily Green for Working Mother and legally licensed through the Matcha publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@getmatcha.com.

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