How to Prepare Your Child for a New Baby

How to Prepare Your Child for a New Baby

Falling pregnant and the flurry of preparing for the arrival of a new born can be both exciting and stressful for parents. However, it can also confuse older siblings who might not fully understand the changes happening.

To ensure the smooth arrival and integration of a newborn into family life, parents need to find ways to prepare their older children for a new sibling's arrival and help them adjust to the changes that come with this new addition to the family. Today's Piper Finn blog provides some parent tips and strategies for preparing siblings for the arrival of a new baby.

Parenting Tips for Introducing a New Baby to Siblings.

  • Talk about the new baby from the moment you consider falling pregnant.

Frequently talking about the new baby is one of the most effective ways to prepare older siblings for a new baby's arrival. Share with them that a new baby is coming, what it will look like and what life will be like once the baby arrives. You can also let them know how much the baby will depend on their help and that the baby has been eagerly waiting to meet everyone.

  • Get them involved.

Involve your older kids in the preparation process as much as possible. Consider enrolling them in antenatal classes or bringing them along for ultrasound appointments. Let them help with picking out baby accessories such as clothing and toys, and allow them to help with decorating the nursery. In doing so, they will feel included in the process and be better prepared for when the baby arrives.

  • Teach them about babies.

Educate your older child about the needs of a newborn. If your child is old enough, explain in an age-appropriate manner where babies come from and how they eat, sleep, and communicate. Show them how to hold and interact with babies, and encourage them to practice on dolls or other toys. Once they understand what to expect and how they can contribute to caring for the baby when it arrives, they will feel included, engaged, and valuable.

  • Be sensitive to their feelings.

Older siblings may feel jealous, resentful, or neglected when a new baby arrives. It's important to be sensitive to their feelings and to let them know that they are still loved and a valued member of the family. Remember to carve out some special time alone with your older child, and make the time to reaffirm your love.

  • Encourage routine.

Prepping for a new baby means your household will be a bit chaotic once the baby arrives. To help your older child feel a sense of stability, do your best to maintain their regular routines as much as possible. This includes keeping to a regular bedtime schedule, mealtime routine, and if they have extracurricular activities, trying to keep them going as well. Having a routine to depend on will help them feel grounded and less anxious when the baby arrives.


Preparing older siblings for the arrival of a little one can be a daunting task, but it's important to do so to create a loving family dynamic. However, falling pregnant is also a joyful time, don't allow yourself to be overly worried about sibling rivalry just yet; you have plenty of time to prepare your child for the new arrival! Besides, being mindful of the tips we've shared with you today can help lay the foundation for a smooth and harmonious transition.

Remember, every child is unique, so work to cater to their needs as lovingly as possible and continue reinforcing how much they are loved, respected and valued in the family. The siblings' relationship is not only the first connection they make with the world; it's also the first established relationship in the family unit. With the proper guidance, preparation and care, it can be a lifelong bond that will continue to grow and strengthen.

Image by Daniel Kirsch from Pixabay

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